The Toes


Step Nine

Now you have a sock that's 2" less than your finished length. We're almost finished!!

If needed, please refer to the instructions for knitting 2 together, and slipping 2 and knitting together in the gusset shaping.

Round 1:
Needle #1: Knit to last 3 stitches, knit 2 together (K2tog), knit last stitch.
Needle #2: Knit one, slip next 2 and knit together (SSK), knit to last 3 stitches, K2tog, knit one.
Needle #3: Knit one, SSK, knit across.
(Refer to the diagram below.)

Round 2:
Knit all stitches.


Repeat these two rounds until you have a total of 24 20 16 stitches.
(Needle 1 & 3: 6 5 4 stitches, Needle 2: 12 10 8 stitches)


Knit the stitches from needle 1 onto needle 3.


Now we're ready to graft the toe. WE'RE ALMOST FINISHED!!!